Saturday, September 17, 2011

Yard Offering - 9/17/11

Found near my mailbox. It's nice to know kids still use diabolical schemes for delivering their insults.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The genie's out of the bag

Okay, first off, I did not intentionally mangle the metaphor for this post's title. I realized after the fact. I have a standing order for a commissioned painting. The specifics were left open, other than a preference for certain colors, and a light unusual landscape. It sounded so straightforward, but I've been workin within frameworks so much lately. They are loose frameworks, but still, I rarely paint on the wide open ranges now.
I'm finding it difficult to stay on task with this commission. I'll switch over to acrylics, and maybe even follow a sketch. In the mean time, it's really been a blast to forage like this. I miss it.

Kincade channels Whistler and makes a sci-fi poster.

All are in progress.

Mocked by reality

I painted a nursery cloud ceiling on Sunday. I have a pretty good technique for getting a reasonable amount of realism, in a very short amount of time. 1/2 day without rushing at all, and all with a 2" chip brush. Yep, I get a little self-congratulatory every time I do this scheme.

Then I happened to glance out the window to see this:

...and then this:

My puny little nursery puffs and I were mocked the entire trip home.