Even though I have very little day job activity, I've been so overwhelmed. Everything takes forever. I keep trying to focus and prioritize, but end up treading water, not getting anywhere. The urge to hold back and conserve is great. So when I'm asked to donate new work for a couple upcoming events, I put it on the burner marked "only if I have time for it, do this other stuff first". Monday I decided to postpone my current project a couple days, and just paint a darn painting for IDADA's "First in Line" fundraising event (it's this Friday at the Harrison Center, Hank and Dolly's Gallery, all paintings $100 each).
This painting was so fun and easy. It's a silver acrylic ground with subtle graphite-enhanced fingerprints. The prints form the bodies for the doodle creatures. I've had the theme/title "Evolutionary Dead Ends" floating around forever. I've been enjoying the spatial gymnastics of metallic grounds. I've been trying to use these doodle forms for all sorts of applications, from public art murals to children's rooms.
Most likely the first of a series....
Now I just need to do my taxes and backup my (possibly Conflicker-infected) computer by midnight.