I have several small shaped panels, some have been painted, some have not. I'm not very committed them. I sanded this one down and repainted, specifically for an upcoming color-themed show (juried so I'm not officially posting this image yet).
I have a group of large shaped paintings which I'll be showing at the Harrison Center Gallery in April 2010. I'd like to augment this group with a subgroup, and originally had a plan to almost subvert my own work, by using the large shaped paintings as 'beings' in smaller narrative paintings. I'd have them comically running around or lying on the ground, shaped similarly to a pool of water. It cracked me up and also fulfilled my ongoing need to negate (partially anyway) what I've already done. Those paintings had become my "serious" work, and I needed to knock them down a bit. But I never applied the idea; maybe it's better as an imagined dalliance.
These smaller shaped pieces will work well. They'll relate to the larger work in a very real, nongimicky way. It will be good for me to work smaller and faster with the similar formal elements. These can make more cohesive statements, which will satisy something.
I also like being mentally into the next project before my opening on Friday.
I can hardly tell what's going on in this not posted image, but it looks strange and wonderful. And not at all uncommitted, actually.
Oh no, this is an 'after'. I'm keeping it, but will likely be sanding down and carrying on in this vein.
Ah, I see. Like it.
I found your blog through MW Capacity's link to another interview, and I'm an instant reader! It seems artists who blog about their thoughts, findings and process are rare. :)
Thanks Kim, and welcome. I enjoy reading other artists who are open about their process, and this has greatly influenced how I post.
As for the unpublished image...be still my beating heart. LOVIN' it. Bowled over.
Looking forward to the show!!
yrs, MY
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