I'm very excited to see familiar faces in this inaugural show, including former Indianapolis artists David Frye, Steven Stoller, and Jacqueline Skaggs. Oh yeah, I'm in it too!
"Sugar" is an evolution of "Alcove", (formerly at 547 W. 27th St., 6th floor, Chelsea, NY.), which offered an interesting exhibition "challenge" of sort. The gallery was a hallway, with one artist on each side, face to face.
Congratulations to Gwendolyn.
thank you Carla!
Hey, I might actually be able to go to this. Not sure yet, but going to try.
I hope you can make it. I won't be there, but I keep meaning to "facebook introduce" you to Gwendolyn when you both comment on the same post. She lives in Brooklyn and is an amazing photographer.
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