In July, I'll be the featured artist at my uncle's gallery in Shelbyville, IN. While it shows all sorts of styles, it is a traditional gallery in intent. I think these new paintings, the doodle-creatures on metallic ground, will adapt well to the environment. I like that they can work in that setting and also at a contemporary gallery. I have seven now, and will show 8-10. I have a 10 foot span of wall, which is side-lit during the day. The rest of the gallery is hung salon-style.
I am totally into these. Which means I revel in their dynamic tension. Pressing forces of some unknown duality. Artificial vs. Organic? Metallic vs. Feathery? Organized vs. Chaotic? Illustrative vs. Open-ended?
You have single-handedly spurred me on, because I was getting to, you know, 'that place'. Thanks for opening this particular process back up.
sea monkeys
sea monkeys, don't I wish. but them sea monkeys are too elusive for pictorial depiction.
That is what I'm saying! Sea Monkeys. Are they an ancient alien race or some prophetic future after global warming? Are they comic book royalty from a small underwater village or are they dried brine shrimp. . . wishing they were mammals?
I just love the floaty quality and that graphite which I bet rocks in person. Have a great show!
Makes me wanna get some metallic paint and finds strange wonderful worlds.
lovely! i so want to view these for real.
Thanks everyone. I hang these June 30, and will post installation shots.
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