Monday, August 31, 2009
Timer Shots I'm Unable to Set-up in 12 Seconds
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Not sure what to title this post. Greg, a close friend, has been working away at an evolving personal concept for well over ten years now. It's roots may be his own emergence as a hippified persona, living within a conservative Christian community in Illinois, but he really has gone beyond that. I've watched as he has transformed his gallery/picture shop, forever tweaking and adjusting and organizing. He has used this physical location, through his constant manipulation of its purpose, to flesh out his own philosophies.
It's so interesting to see an artist push on for so long, towards an unknown, and possibly unstate-able goal. It's so interesting to watch someone who has something to figure out, and is compelled to do so. He may well be there now. He has melded together truly original visions of subcultural and religious philosophies.
This property is up for auction Sept. 16. If he does get booted out, it will be at a remarkably appropriate time in this process. If not, then be sure to visit the shop in the next year or so.

"Sign of Jsu is located at 3318 E. Tenth St., Indianapolis, IN USA (46201). On the sign is a little box containing free copies of parable doctrine (help yourself). Behind the sign is a subcultural thrift shop. I have for sale many back issues of 'Art News', 'New Yorker', and other magazines, a nice collection of experimental international music from the sixties and seventies on CD, over on hundred cassettes of the jazz greats from the Forties and Fifties, many Lp's with cool cover art, buckets of beads and beading supplies, pictures, and several examples of what is probably the only fiber craft practiced widely on a local level, the inexplicable 'afghan'. I accept donations of books, magazines, disks, and tapes. I am presently looking for introductory liberal arts text books. I would like to put sets of these together, like a B.A. in a box, for local distribution. The shop is theoretically open Fri. Sat, and Sun noon to seven (call ahead for the real hours and to hear Duoot play a tune on the message machine).
In the shop there is more parable literature including Hala Maloki's "Commentary on Parable Doctrine" and his "Application of Parable Doctrine to the Alternative Subcultures" (both in final draft form). There is online versions of parable literature at,, and
I welcome anyone who has something for Sub Art to give me a call, I am particularly interested in local art histories, especially any that involve the 'cheap art' movement of the 1990's, Contemporary art that is below the applicable standards, or anything that addresses subculture. For the religiously inclined; who would like parable literature mailed to them, who have a commentary or application to publish, or who might put up a sign, contact Greg @(317) 684-9883. telephone"
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Steve Paddack at Four Star Gallery
I am soooo stoked for this show. I haven't seen the work in person, but know from conversation with Steve that it's built up from multiple-multi-months of glazing. Also, this work is a jump from oil to acrylic. Also, Four Star Gallery is re-opening and this is it's first show. Also, Steve always puts out in a major way, though we may have to wait for it, as is the case here. Steve and I went to Herron School of Art in the early 1980s. He went on to grad school at University of Illinois. I cannot even pretend to be objective here, I am sooo stoked for this show.
Four Star Gallery, Redundacy of Errata, September 4 - October 10
I should clarify. I'm not certain that Four Star is re-opening, or if this is a one time thing. I could have researched this, put the post would have lost it's zany impulsive nature.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Susan Hettmansperger on Painter's Bread blog
Sunday, August 9, 2009
New Web Site Is Up

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Loch Ness Panther

If you are in a position of needing such an idea, please take it and make it happen.
Friday, August 7, 2009
Flashback Friday 7
Thursday, August 6, 2009
New American Painting Update
I'm in New American Paintings Issue #83, which is now slated for release at the end of September.