I have been yard- gifted many items since moving here about ten years ago. Wish I had photographed them all. I spied this latest one a few days ago, but kept driving past. They have mostly sucked lately, and I wasn't in a hurry to investigate.

I don't know what yard-gifted means. People leave things in your yard? That doesn't happen here. Except for garbage.
That second picture is so pretty. The first is so funny.
Well, it might happen here out in the country. I don't know.
I've received large stuffed animals, a pristine and well-stocked tackle box, a moto-tool in the case, a box of old playboys, a box of pans, a severed deer leg.
Lately though, it's been things like tires on rims and bicycle frames (from the house directly across the street). If I set these things on the curb, they end up back in that yard. Lots of people coming and going over there. Chaos and crappy yard gifts.
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