All are around 12" - 14". Top three are the wet-into-wet episode I was bragging about last post. Fourth is a near complete sand-off which was re-constituted and even titled: Puddle Sage. No. 5 is also a rework, after a gentle sanding. Painting is fun.
yeah, you scored manna. luscious. wish i could see them in person. congrats on the show!
Looks great! Looks like the colors really hum.
Wonderful! Love the feeling of the top four, sensuous and something more, great.
Thanks, ya'all.
carla great to see your new work. congrats
As much as I like all of these (those boobs are HOT), I have to say, it's the last one that gets me most. It's so .. . crusty and scary/passionate, and like something you can't help but want to look at even tho it's a little dangerous. Oh, and, ahem, formally very satisfying naturally. Really, tho -- scale is right and the black crusty/jewel-ness against all those blood reds -- scary illicit sensual goodness.
Thanks Nomi. "Scary illicit sensual goodness", I'll take it!!
That boob creature gave me fits when titling. I went with "Product of France", which I find really funny, though I'm not sure why. Conehead humor, maybe.
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