Major development. Last night I finally connected with this painting, and it changed my decision-making from fretful formal meanderings to more of a decisive culling. I was able to move forward, not by changing or fixing or fiddling, but by promoting a more focussed expression. It still has plenty of contradictions and co-existences, and I didn't tighten up edges or shapes much. The cleanup was conceptual.
This is where I usually get stuck. I'm realising that while I want the confusion and the unknown and the unknowable, I also want to use my reigns, and occasionally my whip.
An aggressive meander?
I'll have to put aside the large work for a few weeks. Main studio wall will have day job (undersea) mural on it.
Carla, I relate to the conundrum a lot: generally, and specifically to this one. That early stage was great! I bet it'll return in some form. I demand it, in fact ;)
That said, I also really like seeing the painting's structure stretched so far without losing continuity with that early (lamented-last-Thursday) state.
Part of the desire to keep going further is that I don't have that much experience in painting abstraction.
I don't let myself think of this much, because that's more of a hindsight observation, that I should have in a few years about this work. I don't approach current work as though it is practice, but the "what can happen next" is so strong that I want to keep making marks and messing things up, and restoring new order, and that can go on and on. In a way it is practice.
I want to orchestrate more.
I want more power within the process (ducking and dodging incoming jinxes).
That makes sense...usually the best way to achieve that kind of awareness is the hard way (going further even when you could be fairly satisfied stopping)...
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